6 Secrets to Manifestation I traveled the world to learn so you don't have to

From India, to Peru, Bali and back - here are the tools I’ve learned from Masters to lead a more purposeful, abundant life. 

In 2019 I left behind a cushy tech job at a Silicon Valley Unicorn in search of -- at the time I wasn’t quite sure what -- but more. I was comfortable, materially - I had everything I was supposed to have + at 30, but there was an anxiety bubbling in me that I didn’t know the cause of or how to address. So I set out into the world looking for answers. From Shamans in Peru, to Healers in Bali and Gurus in India, I spent the better part of 2 years in hardcore existential discovery mode. 

I could not possibly cover all I learned in that time in this post but one thing I found after my latest return to the States was that nearly everyone I knew was looking for this same ‘more’ in their lives. However, not everyone had the tools or self awareness to identify and pursue that ‘more’. After spending so much time steeped in these ancient practices, I feel compelled to share these gifts and the knowledge that was shared with me, so what follows are 6 tips I’ve identified for manifesting a more abundant and connected life. 

1. You’ve been manifesting your whole life. 

In the West, we tend to think of manifestation as this very esoteric thing that we need to engage in cultish rituals to make happen. It’s not. Manifestation simply means to bring something into being. Spiritually, something that is aligned with your purpose. 

Essentially it is to want something and focus on achieving it until you do. 

Do you have a college degree? You manifested that. A job you're proud of? You’ve done it again. You’re already a master manifester, the next step is to practice this skill more consciously and consistently. 

2. What you want wants you

In the beginning of this post I talked to you about wanting “more”. Our brains are wired this way; to always reach for the next thing, to always reach for more. The paradox here is that as a result, we often are left feeling not enough. This is a huge obstacle that on some level every human being needs to overcome. I am telling you right now, in case you haven’t heard it today: you are enough. And what you want in this life wants you, you just need to know in your heart that you are deserving, that you are enough. That dream house? You deserve it, you are enough. That promotion? You deserve it, you are enough. That partner and family? You deserve it, you are enough. 

3. Gratitude is the best attitude. 

I won’t get too deep into metaphysics here, but one important principle I learned in my time abroad was that whatever you want more of in life, give; and that gratitude is the “ultimate state of receivership.” 

A little anecdote, when I got to the center in India where I ultimately ended up studying for close to a year, one of the first things I saw was a physical sign that served as a reminder to “practice gratitude”. I sighed and silently reprimanded  myself for signing up for this “woo woo” training, mentally preparing for several weeks (turned months) of delusional hippie propaganda. 

Shockingly, I was wrong. In my time there I learned not only to “be grateful” but  that the experience of gratitude was an exhilarating one. One that left me with a taste of that sense of fulfillment I was seeking and now discovering. And I noticed that the more grateful I was, the more that was opening up to me in terms of human connection and opportunities to learn and grow. So what I’m saying here is not to be thankful and polite, what many including myself often confuse for gratitude. But to really revel in all of the small things you are fortunate to be able to experience. That can be family, your friends, your health, a  good cup of coffee in the morning. Once you start opening up to the world, the world will open up to you. 

4. Ignore the haters 

That includes the little voice in your head telling you to revert to old ways. We gravitate towards what’s familiar, that’s human conditioning. In order to chart a new path in our life we need to learn how to stay focused on the present moment and ignore those who will dissuade us from realizing our dreams. Often our loudest critic is our own ego, who fears change above all else. 

5. Fake it till you make it 

OK, well, not exactly. What  I am trying to convey here is that on some level you need to believe that you already have what you are seeking. This touches on the idea that everything that you want in life is within you and on the laws of  attraction. Now these  are concepts that I am sure that you have heard before, but concepts don’t really serve you until they become visceral experiences. 

So what I am telling you is to create that experience. How do you think you will feel when you get that promotion, that dream house, that perfect partner? Well go ahead and feel it now. And keep feeling it. Because those feelings, those emotions, that energy that you are putting out into the world that is what you are attracting back to yourself. I know that is easier said than done, which brings me to point 5, a practical tool for planting these intentions that you have for your life deep within your psyche. 

6. Practice makes perfect 

Consciously or not, we all have rituals in our lives. Yours could be waking up to your iPhone alarm clock every morning, having a cup of coffee, ending the day with a Netflix binge and glass of wine. Our thoughts, which are influenced by these rituals, become the driving force behind our actions and they shape our lives. So what if we replace these ‘subconscious thoughts’ that we seemingly have no control over with higher ones? What if we switch the channel in our brain to something more intentional? Then it would make sense that the actions that stem from this would also shape our lives differently. For this we need to engage in a consistent practice. 

I am sure you’ve heard the benefits of meditation touted a million times and the hype is real, but I am here to talk to you about a very specific meditative practice - the practice of japa. 

Japa involves using a mala to repeat a mantra over and over again, focusing and quieting the mind and planting your intention deep into your psyche. The practice of japa is traditionally done seated but can be done in any environment. It’s especially  useful for people who have a hard time sitting and meditating at first because it provides a dharana, a single pointed focus. 

I practice japa with  a specific mantra tied to my intention for a set period of time, usually 3 rounds of a mala every day for 40 days -- and I can say from experience that it’s an extremely powerful tool for calling in that  “more” in life and for letting go of anything that is taking up space for that more. 

That’s why I started ganga mala, to share this practice with the world. We handcraft these japa tools, malas, in the heartland of yoga & meditation, Rishikesh, India. Every mala is energized in an ancient ritual to support this practice and aid in empowering your intentions. 

If you’re interested in using this technique to start setting intentional rituals in your life shop our collection today